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We provide you with ultimate travel experience

Personalized Service

Experience a journey where every detail is tailor-made for you. Onboard are attentive staff ready to cater to your preferences. We ensure that your journey is as unique and comfortable as possible. Enjoy an exclusive travel experience where your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities.

Personalized Service

Magnificent Scenery

Prepare to be captivated by breathtaking views as you travel through the Tsavo National Park. Our route is designed to showcase stunning scenery, and every window offers exciting views.

Magnificent Scenery


Embark on a voyage that takes you to a diverse range of destinations, each offering its own charm and allure. Our extensive network of routes covers Nairobi, Athi River, Emali, Kibwezi, Mtito Andei, Voi, Maisenyi, Mariakani, and Mombasa. Our train provides an expansive journey across a wide array of locations, making every trip a new adventure.


Splendid Moments

Delight in splendid moments that transform your journey into a memorable experience. Whether it’s an exceptional meal or celebrating a birthday or anniversary, aboard the Madaraka Express, you can enjoy the little things that truly make every moment unforgettable.

Splendid Moments


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